• Indy Rally for Ceasefire

    Join us in encouraging Indianapolis City Council to support a resolution for ceasefire in Gaza! Rally outside City-County building, 6-7pm, at the intersection of Market and Alabama, then attend the […]

  • Intifada Market

    Art vendors and Rabble Coffee & Dear Mom store, proceeds go to Gaza.

  • Central IN DSA General Chapter Meeting 5/19 @ 12pm 🌹

    Join the Central Indiana DSA at our monthly General Meeting on the 3rd Sunday of the month (typically), including committee updates and voting on proposals put forward by members. The […]

  • International Affairs Working Group

    Agenda topics include efforts to enhance direct communications with the national DSA International Committee (DSA-IC) and initiating a local campaign against the U.S. blockade of Cuba. See Slack for Zoom […]

  • CIDSA International Affairs Working Group (“CIDSA-IAWG”)

    Agenda topics include efforts to enhance direct communications with the national DSA International Committee (DSA-IC) and initiating a local campaign against the U.S. blockade of Cuba. See Slack for Zoom […]

  • Indy Area Democratic Socialist Reading Club Meeting

    Check the Indy Area Democratic Socialist Reading Club Facebook group for several articles, readings and video presentations we can discuss at the Club Meeting. Meetings are designed to allow YOU […]