CINDSA Supports Chrissy Smith and The Fight for Public Education
On March 17, the Indiana State Police arrested a Central Indiana DSA member and activist Chrissy Smith who was attending a permitted rally in support of arts education at public […]
CINDSA Stands Against the Privatization of Schooling and SB518
“We are attacking the cynics and the oligarchs who are trying to drive wedges into our community. This is not new. This is what they do.” Last night at the […]
Central Indiana DSA Condemns Elected Officials’ Attempts to Privatize our Public Schools and Enrich Donors
Don’t let private interests loot education dollars and defund important programs. Charter-school lobby-backed politicians, including IPS board members Angelia Moore, Hope Hampton, Deandra Thompson, and Ashley Thomas, want to redistribute […]
Democratic Socialists Post Wins in Strong Election Night
[Indianapolis, Indiana] – Central Indiana Democratic Socialists of America (CINDSA) are again in the spotlight. We want to start by congratulating our CINDSA candidates: Jesse Brown and Zach Cramer both […]
Juneteenth statement from Central Indiana DSA
This Juneteeth we celebrate the anniversary of June 19th, 1865, and General Order No. 3 which enforced the Emancipation Proclamation to the state of Texas and freed the last remaining […]
Union Summer Workshops
Ever thought about organizing your workplace? Curious about the hype around labor unions? Want to learn how to build and support a fighting labor movement? This workshop series is for […]