🌹 = Great for first-timers!

JohnsonCo Branch Organizing Meeting, 2/3 6-7pm 🌹

Comrades from Johnson County are meeting to establish a new branch of Central Indiana DSA. Our discussion will focus on recruiting within Johnson County, organizing against ongoing evictions with the chapter’s campaign, and more! Join us in the #br_JohnsonCo channel on our Slack, or email indy@centralindsa.org for more information or to get involved. To prepare, […]

Decompression Session, 2/4 🌹

Crack open a cold one with comrades. Hosted by Terre Haute Branch but open to the chapter. Commiserate and decompress with us! To join, contact terrehautedsa@gmail.com, or ask in the #2_social channel in the chapter’s Slack group.

Terre Haute DSA Book Club, 2/6 🌹

Hosted by Terre Haute DSA, but open to the entire chapter. Join us as we read and discuss our next book! To prepare, you can download the free Zoom app for iPhone and Android in your app store or get the desktop application here: https://zoom.us/download To join the meeting, please follow this link:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/425383840

Housing and Labor Check In, 2/7 12-1pm

The Housing and Labor committees will check in about our canvassing training from 12-1pm. The Zoom registration link will be posted in the wg channel on Slack.

Canvassing Training, 1-2pm 🌹

Join us for a training in preparation to share resources with and empower tenants in Indianapolis. Look out for the Zoom registration link on Slack in the general and housing-4-all channels.  🌹

JohnsonCo Branch Organizing Meeting, 2/10, 6-7pm 🌹

Comrades from Johnson County are meeting to establish a new branch of Central Indiana DSA. Our discussion will focus on recruiting within Johnson County, organizing against ongoing evictions with the chapter’s campaign, and more! Join us in the #br_JohnsonCo channel on our Slack, or email indy@centralindsa.org for more information or to get involved. To prepare, […]

Marx on Capital Reading Group, 2/10

Join Central Indiana DSA comrades and fellow-travelers as we read through several of Marx’s works on capital. This week, we’ll read and discuss chapter 10, sections 4 and 5 of Capital, Volume One on Wednesday, February 10th, at 7pm. Please RSVP here for meeting details and the syllabus: https://actionnetwork.org/forms/central-in-dsa-marx-on-capital-reading-group One of the most foundational socialist […]

Decompression Session, 2/11 🌹

Crack open a cold one with comrades. Hosted by Terre Haute Branch but open to the chapter. Commiserate and decompress with us! To join, contact terrehautedsa@gmail.com, or ask in the #2_social channel in the chapter’s Slack group.

Solidarity Committee Meeting, 2/14🌹

Please join us for our monthly Solidarity Committee meeting on Sunday, February 14, 12-2pm. The Zoom link will be posted in the cmt_solidarity channel on Slack. Solidarity! 🌹

Labor Committee Meeting 2/16 🌹

For the agenda, as well as the link to join the meeting, check the #cmt_labor channel in the chapter’s Slack group.

JohnsonCo Branch Organizing Meeting, 2/17, 6-7pm 🌹

Comrades from Johnson County are meeting to establish a new branch of Central Indiana DSA during the chapter’s next meeting on 2/21 from 2-3pm. Our discussion will focus on recruiting within Johnson County, organizing against ongoing evictions with the chapter’s STAI campaign, and more! Join us in the #br_JohnsonCo channel on our Slack, or email […]