🌹 = Great for first-timers!

Labor committee meeting 9/21 @ 7pm

We will be meeting to do outreach and build support for our solidarity campaign Check out the Slack #cmt_labor channel or email labor@centralindsa@org for more info on how to join the meeting. If you do not have Slack access forward your DSA member confirmation email to contact@centralindsa.org and we will get you setup. If you […]

Steering Committee Priority Check-in Meeting, 9/25 @ 7pm

Monthly meeting between the elected chapter officers to review proposals that passed at the recent monthly chapter General meeting, as well as check in on ongoing campaigns. Steering committee meetings are open to all chapter members unless otherwise stated. For the Zoom registration link, check the General channel in the chapter Slack, or email contact@centralindsa.org.

Operations Team Meeting, 9/25 @ 8pm

Join us for our next Operations Team meeting! The Operations Team (we’re workshopping the name : ) is a newly-created working group under the Communications Committee that maintains, onboards for use, and manages access of various tech the chapter uses. Tentative agenda: review the chapter’s tech; plan out much needed backend and frontend website updates […]

Fundraising and Events committee meeting 9/26 @ 7pm

Fundraising and events helps plan social gatherings where we aim to reengage old members, have new members join, and raise money for the chapter. Check Slack for Zoom meeting invite in the #cmt_fundraising_events channel If you do not have Slack access forward your DSA member confirmation email to contact@centralindsa.org and we will get you setup. […]

Labor committee meeting 9/28 @ 7pm

We will be meeting to do outreach and build support for our solidarity campaign Check out the Slack #cmt_labor channel or email labor@centralindsa@org for more info on how to join the meeting. If you do not have Slack access forward your DSA member confirmation email to contact@centralindsa.org and we will get you setup. If you […]

Socialist Social! 9/30 @ 6pm 🌹

Join us for a casual social to decompress, talk and hang out with fellow socialists! Check Slack for info on the location, or email us at contact@centralindsa.org If you do not have Slack access forward your DSA member confirmation email to contact@centralindsa.org and we will get you setup. If you are not a member Join […]

Hamilton County Outreach Phone Banking 10/2 @ 6pm 🌹

Electoral committee is hosting a phone banking session to reactive Hamilton county for Bill McLellan’s electoral campaign in Fishers and to restart the Hamilton County branch. We’ll train you on how to phone bank! Check out the Slack #cmt_elections channel or email elections@centralindsa.org for more info on how to join the meeting. If you do […]

Communications Committee Meeting, 10/2 @ 8pm 🌹

Join us for our next Communications Committee meeting! For meeting details, check the chapter’s Slack #cmt_comms channel, or email comms@centralindsa.org If you are a member and do not have Slack access, please forward your DSA member confirmation email to contact@centralindsa.org and we will get you set up! If you are not a member, join us […]

Fundraising and Events committee meeting 10/3 @ 7pm

Fundraising and events helps plan social gatherings where we aim to reengage old members, have new members join, and raise money for the chapter. Check Slack for Zoom meeting invite in the #cmt_fundraising_events channel If you do not have Slack access forward your DSA member confirmation email to contact@centralindsa.org and we will get you setup. […]

Operations Team Meeting, 10/3 @ 8pm

Join us for our next Operations Team meeting! The Operations Team (we’re workshopping the name : ) is a newly-created working group under the Communications Committee that maintains, onboards for use, and manages access of various tech the chapter uses. Agenda: working through issues with the back-end infrastructure of the website For meeting details, check […]

Elections committee meeting 10/4 @ 6pm

We will be discussing electoral plans for the chapter including helping our endorsed candidates win their races. Meeting is over Zoom. Check out the Slack #cmt_elections channel or email elections@centralindsa.org for more info on how to join the meeting. If you do not have Slack access forward your DSA member confirmation email to contact@centralindsa.org and […]

Labor committee meeting 10/5 @ 7pm

We will be meeting to do outreach and build support for our solidarity campaign Check out the Slack #cmt_labor channel or email labor@centralindsa@org for more info on how to join the meeting. If you do not have Slack access forward your DSA member confirmation email to contact@centralindsa.org and we will get you setup. If you […]