= Great for first-timers!
Volunteers who went door-knocking with STAI over the past weekend will debrief on their experiences and discuss any issues that arose. We will talk about next steps for the campaign and address any problems that people are running into. The debriefing meeting will be followed by a 30-minute training for volunteers to make follow-up calls to tenants before and after their eviction hearing. Volunteers from all branches of Central IN DSA are encouraged to attend.
If you are interested in this campaign and want to know more, you’re welcome to sit in on this meeting. However, we won’t have a lot of time to answer questions from new-comers. We can answer your questions more extensively if your attend our door-knocking training on Thursdays at 6:15pm or you can also shoot us an e-mail at housing@centralindsa.org
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.